Publications by Bamba GUEYE

[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Fatoumata Balde, Nana Yaw Asabere, Amie Diouf, Bamba Gueye.
SenAgriPreci: Improving Precision Agricultural Yields Through a Crop Recommender System.
In: Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1066. Springer, Cham..
[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Fatoumata A. Y. Diouf, Madoune R. Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
A Slotted Random Access algorithm for efficient transmission in White area: case of artisanal fishing in West Africa.
In: To appear - EAI INTERSOL 2024 - 7th EAI International Conference on Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas.
[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Fatou Cire Emilie Sané, Maissa Mbaye, Bamba Gueye.
Edge-AI for Urban Waste Incineration Pollution Monitoring: A Survey.
In: In: Pal, S., Savaglio, C., Minerva, R., Delicato, F.C. (eds) IoT Edge Intelligence. Internet of Things. Springer, Cham..
[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
A Low Positive Rate Attendant for Sickle Cell Anemia Screening in Health and Medicine.
In: To appear - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2024.
[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Kodzo Parkoo, Bamba Gueye, Cheikh Sarr, Ibrahima Dia.
Data Balancing Process to Strengthen a Prediction System for Malaria Control in Senegal .
In: E. (eds) Ubiquitous Networking. UNet 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14757. Springer, Cham..
[Gueye et al.,2024]

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Birane Koundoul, Youssou Kasse, Fatoumata Balde, Bamba Gueye.
A New Strategy for Reducing Latency With Deep Learning in a Fog Computing Environment.
In: E. (eds) Ubiquitous Networking. UNet 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14757. Springer, Cham..

[Gueye et al.,2023]

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Teegwende Gildas Zougmore, Bamba Gueye, Malo Sadouanouan.
An AI-based approach to the prediction of water points quality indicators for schistosomiasis prevention.
In: Deep Learning Indaba Conference, September 2023.
[Gueye et al.,2023]

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Fatoumata Awa Yande Diouf, Madoune Robert Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
SAFeComNet: Safer Artisanal Fishing intEgrating a COMmunity NETwork mode.
In: Springer 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology 2023.
[Gueye et al.,2023]

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Teegwende Gildas Zougmore, Malo Sadouanouan, Bamba Gueye.
Schistosomiasis prevention undermined by water point forecasting : An approach based on data fusion mode.
In: Springer AIS Series - International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication & Intelligent Systems, Jaipur, India, April 2023.
[Gueye et al.,2023]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
Threat Mitigation Model with Low False Alarm Rate Based on Hybrid Deep Belief Network.
In: ACM UNet 2022, LNCS 13853 - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, Montreal, Canada, October 2022.
[Gueye et al.,2023]

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Birane Koundoul, Youssou Kasse, Fatoumata Balde, Bamba Gueye.
A Dual Ring Architecture Using Controllers for Better Load Balancing in a Fog Computing Environment.
In: CNRIA & (eds) Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas.

[Gueye et al.,2022]

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Kodzo Parkoo, Bamba Gueye, Cheikh Sarr, Ibrahima Dia.
Data prediction system in malaria control based on physio-chemical parameters of anopheles breeding sites.
In: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, Vol. 8 No. 4 (2022).
[Gueye et al.,2022]

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Teegwende Gildas Zougmore, Bamba Gueye, Malo Sadouanouan.
An AI-Based Approach to the Prediction of Water Points Quality Indicators for Schistosomiasis Prevention. (Best paper award)
In: IEEE MNE3SD - Multi-conference on Natural and Engineering Sciences for Sahel’s Sustainable Development, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, February 2022.
[Gueye et al.,2022]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
A Self-adaptive QoS-management Framework for Highly Dynamic IoT Networks.
In: IEEE MNE3SD - Multi-conference on Natural and Engineering Sciences for Sahel’s Sustainable Development, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, February 2022.
[Gueye et al.,2022]

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Abdellahi Ahmed, Mohamedade Farouk Nanne, Bamba Gueye.
The effectiveness of a hybrid Diffie-Hellman-RSA-AES model.
In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, Coimbatore, India, January 2022.

[Gueye et al.,2021]

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Birane Koundoul, Youssou Kasse, Fatoumata Balde, Bamba Gueye.
Leveraging Cloud Inter-zone Architecture for Response Time Reduction.
In: CNRIA 2021, LNICST, vol. 400 Springer - Research in Computer Science and Its Applications, Dakar, Senegal, June 2021.
[Gueye et al.,2021]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
DeepDDoS: A Deep-Learning Model for Detecting Software Defined Healthcare IoT Networks Attack.
In: ACM UNet 2021, LNCS 12845 - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, May 2021.
[Gueye et al.,2021]

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Madoune Robert Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Christophe Cambier.
Communication Network Systems for White Spot Areas.
In: Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science - Digital agriculture in Africa, 2021.
[Gueye et al.,2021]

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Abdellahi Ahmed, Mohamedade Farouk Nanne, Bamba Gueye.
A hybrid model to secure the exchange of DH keys.
In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, January 2021.

[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Teegwende Gildas Zougmore, Malo Sadouanouan, Bamba Gueye, Stanislas Ouaro.
Toward a Data Fusion Based Framework to Predict Schistosomiasis Infection.
In: IEEE SCCIC - 2nd International Conference on Smart Cities and Communities, Burkina Faso, December 2020.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
A Group-Based IoT devices Classification through Network Traffic Analysis based on Machine Learning Approach.
In: EAI AFRICOMM – 12th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries, December 2020.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Avewe Bassene, Bamba Gueye.
An Enhanced Flow-based QoS Management within Edge Layer for SDN-based IoT Networking.
In: EAI AFRICOMM – 12th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries, December 2020.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Papa Dame Ba, Bamba Gueye, Ibrahima Niang.
Adoption of distance learning at Cheikh Anta Diop University during COVID-19: responses and challenges.
In: ACM Sigcomm Education Workshop and Community Discussion, August 2020.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Damien Wohwe Sambo, Anna Förster, Blaise Omer Yenke, Idrissa Sarr, Bamba Gueye, Paul Dayang.
Wireless Underground Sensor Networks Path Loss Model for Precision Agriculture (WUSNPLM).
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, ISSN: 1558-1748, January 2020.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Pa Saffiong Kebbeh, Momomdou Jain, Bamba Gueye.
SenseNet: IoT Temperature Measurement in Railway Networks for Intelligent Transport.
In: IEEE IBASE, February 2020, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[Gueye et al.,2020]

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Kodzo Parkoo, Bamba Gueye, Cheikh Sarr, Ibrahima Dia.
Mise en place d’un système de veille épidémiologique basé sur les réseaux de capteurs pour lutter contre le paludisme.
In: CNRIA, Mars 2020, Bambey, Senegal.

[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Madoune R. Seye, Bassirou Ngom, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
Work in Progress: A low cost geographical localization system for a more secure coastal artisanal fishery in Senegal.
In: IEEE ICT-DM, December 2019, Paris, France.
[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Madoune R. Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Christophe Cambier.
An Ad Hoc communication system for an Efficient Milk collection within White Areas.
In: IEEE IWCMC, June 2019, Tangier, Morocco.
[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Yaye Sarr, Bamba Gueye, Cheikh Sarr
Performance Analysis of a Smart Street Lighting application using LoRaWan.
In: IEEE CommNet, April 2019, Rabat, Morocco.
[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Bassirou Kassé, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo, Fiorenantsoa Santatra, Halima Elbiaze.
IoT based Schistosomiasis Monitoring for More Efficient Disease Prediction and Control Model.
In: IEEE SAS, March 2019, Nice, France.
[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Bassirou Ngom, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Nicolas Marilleau.
LoRa-based Measurement Station for Water Quality Monitoring: Case of Botanical Garden Pool.
In: IEEE SAS, March 2019, Nice, France.
[Gueye et al.,2019]

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Madoune R. Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Christophe Cambier.
COWShED: Communication Within White Spots for Breeder.
In: IEEE ICIN, February 2019, Paris, France. (Best Demo Award)

[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Bassirou Ngom, Madoune Robert Seye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Mamadou Simina Drame.
A Hybrid Measurement Kit for Real-time Air Quality Monitoring Across Senegal Cities.
In: IEEE SCCIC, July 2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Madoune R. Seye, Bassirou Ngom, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
A Study of LoRa Coverage : Range Evaluation and Channel Attenuation Model.
In: IEEE SCCIC, July 2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Bassirou Kassé, Abdoulaye Kama, Bassirou Ngom, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
Web Mapping-Based Architecture for ''Dakar Dem Dikk'' Buses Fleet Management.
In: IEEE SCCIC, July 2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Pa Saffiong Kebbeh, Madoune R. Seye, Bassirou Ngom, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
RailMon: Distance, Temperature and Location Railway Monitoring using IoT technologies.
In: InterSol 2018, LNICST Springer, Kigali, Rwanda.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Fiorenantsoa Santatra, Bassirou Kassé, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
Mise en place d’outils de détection d’anomalies pour une réduction du taux de prévalence de la bilharziose.
In: CNRIA, April 2018, Ziguinchor, Senegal.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Bassirou Ngom, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Mamadou Simina Drame.
Monitoring de la qualité de l'air de la ville de Dakar.
In: CNRIA, April 2018, Ziguinchor, Senegal.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Bassirou Kassé, Abdoulaye Kama, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
Localisation des bus “Dakar Dem Dikk” basée sur le Web-mapping.
In: CNRIA, April 2018, Ziguinchor, Senegal.
[Gueye et al.,2018]

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Fatoumata B. Kassé, Halima Elbiaze, Bamba Gueye.
GreenPOD: Leveraging Queuing Networks for Reducing Energy Consumption in Data Centers.
In: IEEE ICIN, February 2018, Paris, France.

[Gueye et al.,2017]

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Robert M. Seye, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
An Evaluation of LoRa Coverage in Dakar Peninsula.
In: IEEE IEMCON 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
[Gueye et al.,2017]

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Bassirou Kassé, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
Leveraging GPS and SMS-Based Bus Tracking Architecture for an Efficient Transportation.
In: InterSol 2017, LNICST Springer 204, Dakar, Senegal.
[Gueye et al.,2017]

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Bassirou Kassé, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye, Halima Elbiaze.
SBSD: Towards a Proactive Sensor-Based Shistosomiasis Detection.
In: InterSol 2017, LNICST 204, Dakar, Senegal.

[Gueye et al.,2016]

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Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo, Ibrahima Niang, El Kabir Lo, Halima Elbiaze.
Mise en Place d’un Système de Veille Epidémiologique pour la Bilharziose.
In: Doctoriales EDMI 2016, Dakar, Sénégal.
[Gueye et al.,2016]

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Al Hassane Barry, Bamba Gueye, Moussa Diallo.
Système de surveillance en temps réel du besoin en eau des sols basé sur des réseaux de capteurs.
In: Doctoriales EDMI 2016, Dakar, Sénégal.

[Gueye et al.,2015]

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Diery Ngom, Pascal Lorenz, Bamba Gueye.
A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm to Improve Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network based on Geometric Placement of Sensors with Coverage and Connectivity Constraints.
In: INRIA SENSORCOMM, August 2015, Venice, Italy.(Best Paper Award)
[Gueye et al.,2015]

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Diery Ngom, Pascal Lorenz, Bamba Gueye.
DSMAC: Constraints-based Coverage and Connectivity for Optimizing the Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In:CNRIA 2015, Thies, Senegal.
[Gueye et al.,2015]

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Yaye Sarr, Bamba Gueye, Cheikh Sarr.
Réduction des clusters singletons dans le protocole LEACH pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil.
In:CNRIA 2015, Thies, Senegal.

[Gueye et al.,2014]

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Fatoumata B. Kassé, Bamba Gueye, Halima Elbiaze.
Green Cloud Architecture: Low Power Routers for an Energy-Aware Data Transport.
In: IEEE Globecom Workshop, Austin 2014, Texas, USA.
[Gueye et al.,2014]

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Fatoumata B. Kassé, Bamba Gueye, Halima Elbiaze.
Leveraging Network Virtualization for Energy-Efficient Cloud: Future Directions.
In: IEEE LCN, September 2014, Edmonton, Canada.

[Gueye et al.,2012]

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Papa Ousmane Sangharé, Bamba Gueye, Ibrahima Niang.
Optimisation du Routage par la détection des Violations d'Inégalités Triangulaires dans les Systèmes de Coordonnées Internet.
In: CARI, October 2012, Alger, Algeria.

[Gueye et al.,2011]

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Papa Dame Ba, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye, Thomas Noel.
MOX-MAC: A Low Power and Efficient Access Delay For Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks.
In: IEEE WMNC, October 2011, Toulouse, France.
[Gueye et al.,2011]

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Bassirou Gueye, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ould Deye, Yahya Slimani.
Constraints-Based Response Time for Efficient QoS in Web Services Composition.
In: IEEE NWeSP, October 2011, Salamanca, Spain.
[Gueye et al.,2011]

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Papa Ousmane Sangharé, Bamba Gueye, Ibrahima Niang.
Route Optimization Based On The Detection of Triangle Inequality Violations.
In: IEEE ITU Kaleidoscope, December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.

[Gueye et al.,2010]

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Mandicou Ba, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye, Thoma Noel.
Deterministic Key Management Scheme for Securing Cluster-Based Sensors Networks.
In: IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, December 2010, Hong Kong SAR.
[Gueye et al.,2010]

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Ibrahima Diane, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye.
A hierarchical DHT for fault Tolerant Management in P2P-SIP Networks.
In: IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, December 2010, Shangai, China.
[Gueye et al.,2010]

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Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye, Bassirou Kasse.
GEOHYBRID : A hierachical approach for accurate and scalable geographic localization .
In: IEEE ITU Kaleidoscope, December 2010, Pune, India.
[Gueye et al.,2010]

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Bamba Gueye.
Vers un compromis entre mesures actives et mesures passives pour la localisation géographique des hôtes dans l'internet.
In: EFRARD: "Mobilité virtuelle : Portails coopératifs & Usages novateurs des TIC", Editions EUROPIA, Décembre 2010, Dakar, Sénégal (In French).

[Gueye et al.,2009]

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Bamba Gueye, Guy Leduc.
Resolving the Noxious Effect of Churn on Internet Coordinate Systems.
In: IWSOS 2009 - Lectures Notes in Computer Science 5918, pp. 162-173.
[Gueye et al.,2009]

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Francois Cantin, Guy Leduc, Bamba Gueye
Transformation non linéaire des distances : une solution au problème des violations d'inégalités triangulaires dans les systèmes de coordonnèes ? (In French).
In: Colloque Francophone sur L'Ingénierie des Protocoles - CFIP'09.
[Gueye et al.,2009]

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Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Francois Cantin, Bamba Gueye, Guy Leduc.
Detecting Triangle Inequality Violations for Internet Coordinate Systems.
In: International Workshop on the Network of the Future 2009.
[Gueye et al.,2009]

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Yongjun Liao, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Bamba Gueye, Francois Cantin, Pierre Geurts, Guy Leduc.
Detecting Triangle Inequality Violations in Internet Coordinate Systems by Supervised Learning.
In: IFIP Networking 2009 - Lectures Notes in Computer Science 5550, pp. 352-363.

[Gueye et al.,2008]

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Francois Cantin, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Guy Leduc.
Overlay Routing using Coordinate Systems.
In: ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop 2008, Madrid, Spain, pp. 42-44.
[Gueye et al.,2008]

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Francois Cantin, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Guy Leduc.
A Self-Organized clustering scheme for overlay networks.
In: IWSOS 2008 - Lectures Notes in Computer Science 5343, pp. 59-70.
[Gueye et al.,2008]

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Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Bamba Gueye, Francois Cantin, Guy Leduc, Laurent Mathy.
Towards a Two-Tier Internet coordinate system to mitigate the impact of Triangle Inequality Violations.
In: IFIP Networking 2008 - Lectures Notes in Computer Science 4982, pp. 397-408.
[Gueye et al.,2008]

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Francois Cantin, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Guy Leduc, Laurent Mathy.
Explication et réduction de l'impact des violations d'inégalités triangulaires dans Vivaldi. (In French)
In: Colloque Francophone sur L'Ingénierie des Protocoles - CFIP'08.
[Gueye et al.,2008]

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Swiep Siwpersad, Bamba Gueye, and Steve Uhlig.
Assessing the geographic resolution of exhaustive tabulation for geolocating Internet hosts.
In: Passive and Active Measurement - PAM 2008, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 4979, pp. 11-20.

[Gueye et al.,2007]

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Bamba Gueye, Steve Uhlig, Artur Ziviani, and Serge Fdida.
GeoBuD: Une nouvelle approche pour la localisation gégraphique des hôtes dans l'Internet. (In French)
In: Neuviémes Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications - ALGOTEL'07.
[Gueye et al.,2007]

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Bamba Gueye, Steve Uhlig, and Serge Fdida.
Investigating the Imprecision of IP Block-Based Geolocation.
In: Passive and Active Measurement - PAM 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4427, pp. 237--240.

[Gueye et al.,2006]

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Bamba Gueye, Steve Uhlig, Artur Ziviani, and Serge Fdida.
Leveraging Buffering Delay Estimation for Geolocation of Internet Hosts.
In: IFIP Networking 2006 - Lectures Notes in Computer Science 3976, pp. 319-330.

[Gueye et al.,2005]

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Bamba Gueye, Artur Ziviani, Mark Crovella, and Serge Fdida.
Techniques de localisation gégraphique d'hôtes dans l'Internet. (In French)
In: Septièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications - ALGOTEL'05.
[Gueye et al.,2005]

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Bamba Gueye, Artur Ziviani, Mark Crovella, Serge Fdida.
Vers la Localisation Géographique d'Hôtes dans l'Internet basée sur la Multilatération. (In French)
In: Colloque Francophone sur L'Ingénierie des Protocoles - CFIP'05. pp 415--431.

[Gueye et al.,2004]

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Bamba Gueye, Artur Ziviani, Mark Crovella, and Serge Fdida.
Constraint-Based Geolocation of Internet Hosts.
In: Proceedings of the ACM/SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference - IMC'04. pp. 288--293.
[Gueye et al.,2004]

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Bamba Gueye, Artur Ziviani, Serge Fdida, Jose F. Rezende, and Otto C.M.B. Duarte.
Two-Tier Geographic Location of Internet Hosts.
In: IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNMC'04,
Lectures Notes in Computer Science 3079, pp. 730-739
International Journals
[Gueye et al.,2016]

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Moustapha Mbaye, Moussa Diallo, Bamba Gueye.
Application de la décomposition UU au beamforming en IEEE 802.11ac.
In: ARIMA Journal, Volume 25 (2016).
[Gueye et al.,2015]

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Yaye Sarr, Cheikh Sarr, Bamba Gueye
Reduction of Single Clusters in LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
In: Open Access Library Journal, ISSN: 2333, December 2015.
[Gueye et al.,2015]

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Diery Ngom, Pascal Lorenz, Bamba Gueye
A MAC Scheduling Algorithm for Optimizing the Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Coverage and Connectivity Constraints.
In: Sensors & Transducers, Issue 11, November 2015.
[Gueye et al.,2014]

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Papa Dame Ba, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye
An optimized and Power Savings protocol for Mobility Energy-Aware in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In: Telecommunication Systems Journal, Volume 55, Issue 2, February 2014.
[Gueye et al.,2013]

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Bassirou Gueye, Ibrahima Niang, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ould Deye
QoS4WSC: A Framework for Web Services Composition based on QoS constraints.
In: International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. ISSN 2150-7988, Volume 5(2013).
[Gueye et al.,2012]

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Benoit Donnet, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar
Path similarity evaluation using bloom filters.
In: The Elsevier International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (Computer Networks), 56(2), February 2012.
[Gueye et al.,2011]

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Ingmar Poese, Steve Uhlig, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Benoit Donnet and Bamba Gueye
IP Geolocation Databases: Unreliable?
In: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 41(2), April 2011.
[Gueye et al.,2010]

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Benoit Donnet, Bamba Gueye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar
A Survey on Network Coordinates Systems, Design, and Security.
In: IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorial, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 488 - 503, December 2010.
[Gueye et al.,2006]

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Bamba Gueye, Artur Ziviani, Mark Crovella, Serge Fdida.
Constraint-Based Geolocation of Internet Hosts.
In: IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, IEEE/ACM Press, Volume 14, Issue 6, pp. 1219 - 1232, December 2006.


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PhD Thesis, B. Gueye. December 2006.
Localisation géographique des hôtes dans l'Internet basée sur la multilatération
(Geographic location of Internet Hosts based on multilateration)